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Listed Companies Rating (CRISL-LCR)

In line with the requirements of the ECAI recognition criterion of Bangladesh Bank and keeping in view the objectivity of BSEC guideline no. BSEC/CMRR/2009-193/37/Admin/132 dated May 12, 2022, CRISL is pleased to publish the published information (PI) ratings of some companies listed with the bourses under the title CRISL Listed Company Ratings (CRISL -LCR). These ratings are purely unsolicited and based on published and publicly available information along with CRISL sectoral studies. 
Most of the information of the companies has been taken from the Annual Reports and subsequent quarterly reports. No confidential information has been considered in the rating process although in the case of solicited ratings a good number of confidential and unpublished information is considered. The methodology used for this unsolicited / PI rating is in line with the industry-specific solicited rating methodology without considering non-published information.
As the PI rating has been done without some basic and relevant information, this might differ from the solicited ratings. The limitation of information is mainly in the areas of classification status of the loan/investment with a historical track record, quality of manufacturing facilities, management plan, lack of interaction with the relevant company management etc. Since the PI rating is based on publicly available information, CRISL does not take responsibility for the accuracy of the information used in the rating process. Along with the PI ratings, CRISL also publishes herewith solicited ratings rated by CRISL of the listed companies.